Friday, October 22, 2010


When I was in college at Louisiana Tech in 1989 everything started off great.  My roommate was someone I knew since elementary school and I was majoring in Art.  I met an awesome girl the first day of design class at the bookstore.  We were buying art supplies and didn't know what one thing was.  She asked me and we wandered around till we found it.  We have been really good friends since!!  However, she told me when she first saw me in class she thought I was a stuck up bitch.   Thanks Donna for seeing the real me!!!  Love ya girl!!  We had alot of fun in that 4 hour class.  We had class at the cemetery, made some really cool designs and had a dyke teacher who loved to curse.  Anyway, my roommate was a biology major but her boyfriend was an art major.  He had a really kick ass studio at the school.  He was a cool guy. Sometime during the first semester I became very depressed and started acting out on it.  I quit going to classes and basically hibernated in my room.  Second semester, I dropped out.  Then changed majors at my dads request from art to business management.  I showed up at that first class with my ripped jeans and noticed everyone else was dressed up in suits and dresses.  I immediately withdrew.  My depression got worse and my roommates boyfriend gave me  a picture he had drawn.  It was of me.  It was a head coming out of the ground surrounded by fire and was titled Lisa's Aura.  I still have that picture.

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